Ali Goes Home Early

Alborz_MountainsPicture Tehran, Iran in the early 1970s. The Shah was still in power. The students had not yet taken 52 American citizens hostage at their own Embassy. While there was tension between Iranians and foreigners, it had not yet gotten to the point where it was unsafe for them to be there.

My father , David M. Rush, worked for an aerospace company who had sold helicopters to the Shah’s Air Force. He was assigned to set up a repair and maintenance program for those helicopters with the Iranian Air Force. Since it was to be a long assignment, my mother, Juanita Carr Rush, and the 3 boys still at home (Mike, Jeff and Mark) (more…)

A Brief and Incomplete Sketch of My Life

At approximately 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 14, 1933,20080803_022a in a dilapidated farmhouse a few miles out in the country from Warner/Porum my 42 year old mother gave birth to me, her 11th child and ninth daughter. It had been six years since the birth of child number ten, my sister Peggy, and it had been both the assumption (because of Mama’s age) and the fervent hope of the whole family that there would be no more children. Needless to say, I was not exactly a welcome addition. (more…)