Reunion, post Reunion, etc.

That was controlled chaos, wasn’t it?!

Carr Sister #8, Juanita Rush, who stayed in the lodge itself (not the Bunkhouse), said the clerk told her during her check-out that the Carr Family Reunion was the best organized reunion they had seen this  year.  To give you some perspective, the Muskogee Phoenix had a lead article on Sequoyah  State Park , Sunday, August 1, 2010, (more…)

A Big Hearty Thank You

Here is a big hearty thank you to those folks that worked so hard to make the Carr Reunion such a big success.

The danger in singling out folks is that you will leave someone out. If I do so it is not intentional. Please allow me to apologize in advance.

The primary culprits behind this successful event were:
Jane Rush
Nancy Milam
Paulette Lorsbach
Luanna Tucker
Mike Rush
Perry Schulze
Jeff Rush

Everyone should join in and give them many thanks. Not only did they spend much time and effort on this, but they spend a good portion of their personal treasure to make this happen.
Here, Here…Hip Hip Hooray.