Reunion, post Reunion, etc.

That was controlled chaos, wasn’t it?!

Carr Sister #8, Juanita Rush, who stayed in the lodge itself (not the Bunkhouse), said the clerk told her during her check-out that the Carr Family Reunion was the best organized reunion they had seen this  year.  To give you some perspective, the Muskogee Phoenix had a lead article on Sequoyah  State Park , Sunday, August 1, 2010, talking about upgrades and updating that will be done to the park, the lodge, etc. in coming months. The article indicated there are at least 8 major family reunions every weekend!  So the compliment was pretty impressive!

Now, if we were to imagine the non-planning committee family members wanting to toss approbation, then I would suggest a mental picture if you will.  The planning committee members would be in a group going down a double line of family members applauding them.

Two people would be on the shoulders of the planning

committee:  Jane Rush and Nancy Milam.  Or as I called them JaneNancy or NancyJane, a single entity with two heads.  They/It were the true drivers of this event:  in terms of planning and execution, they poured their heart and soul into this endeavor.  Take a minute out of your day to drop an e-mail to Jane and Nancy, or Jane Rush, P. O. Box 1887, Owasso, OK  74055-1887, or Nancy Milam, 9959 E. 97th St., Tulsa, OK  74133-5127.

There are many other people who contributed to the success (and I/we hope it was a success for you) of the reunion.  Please forward to me any special mentions, or memories you have of the weekend, and I will include them in the final post-reunion e-mail blast.  I just wanted to make sure Nancy and Jane were properly mentioned.

That being said, the final 2010 Carr Family Reunion strategic ad hoc plenipotentiary steering committee meeting will be at Paulette Lorsbach’s house on- whatever it is, I ‘m sure it will be great – the last lunch she served was awesome!].  Sunday, September 26, 2010 at 1:30 pm.  Paulette’s address is: 3806 Club Estate Dr., Muskogee, OK  74403.  Her telephone number is:  (918) 687-8887.  Paulette will be serving brunch [Canadian Bacon, Eggs Benedict(?)

There is a surplus in the Reunion bank account – bring receipts, and there will be devised I am sure some method of reimbursement (I am sure there were more expenditures than what is in the account – we have a generous family, thanks for the donations that were made toward the reunion – you know who you are).

P. S. – You have already been receiving e-mails from David Stephen Rush, our family website guru, who has labored long in the unnoticed field to allow us the opportunity to “remember the past and embrace the future”. Relationships take time and effort, and I think our extended family is worth the time and effort.  I look forward to seeing your participation on “our” website.


Mike Rush, #3 son of #8 Carr sister

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