New Mission, Days 111 through 117

USS CARR Families and Friends –

This week’s email is shorter than usual – we are now operating in 4th Fleet which encompasses the waters south of Cuba down through South America. Our new mission is to counter transnational organized crime…this include disrupting the movement of drugs. As a result, our tempo has picked up as we sharpen our skills at a new mission and I can’t talk as freely about our day-to-day operations (more…)

Days 97 through 103, USS Carr 2011 Deployment

USS CARR Families and Friends –

First off, there was an error in last week’s update; it should have read CTT2 Mathew Brown vice Jonathan Brown.  I hope all our family and friends have had an opportunity to talk or Skype with their Sailor before we sail for the second part of our deployment (albeit a much shorter portion).  Also, thank you to those family members who were able to make it to Mayport!

Day 97 – Sunday, September 18th (more…)

Waves and Bravo Zulu’s

USS CARR Families and Friends –

Day 90 – Sunday, September 11th
Today we continued our journey south, passing London on our Starboard side, then turned west in the afternoon as we transited through the Dover Strait and English Channel.  As we neared the end of the English Channel, seas began to build to 7-9 ft with 20+ kt winds. (more…)

USS Carr gets ready to come home, fight through weather

USS CARR Families and Friends –

Today we took a moment to remember September 11th – laying a wreathe from the fantail to remember those killed at the World Trade Towers, Pentagon, Pennsylvania, and abroad in the ongoing War on Terrorism.  Chief Select Ravi Tobierre and Orlando Munoz then recounted for our crew the timeline of events surrounding 9/11; DCC Justin Jones then shared the story of the firefighters in NYC and Washington D.C, also recounting his interaction with fellow firemen from NYC; BM1 Toney London then offered his personal story of how his family was affected. (more…)

USS Carr sets record for most visits by US ship to Russia (we think)

USS CARR Families and Friends –

We have made it past half-way day; many of the crew have commenced their countdown of the days until we return to family and friends.  This week began in Tromsø, Norway and ended in Murmansk, Russia – hectic for some, relaxing for others:

Day 76 – Sunday, August 28th  (Arrived Tromsø, Norway)
This morning it was cool (around 55F), wet, and foggy as we (more…)

USS CARR leaves the Baltic, closer to home

USS CARR Families and Friends –
This week CARR and her crew were engaged in the following activities:
Day 62 – Sunday, August 14th (Underway from Riga, Latvia)
Riga, Latvia was yet another excellent port visit and great execution of our Theater Security Cooperation mission in the Baltic. Today we got underway in the late morning from Riga. The port is located within an outer bay, which meant we had to man up twice for sea and anchor detail – once to get underway from the pier and another in the afternoon to depart the bay. Luckily our weather was much better than when we had arrived – once back in the Baltic we turned south and headed to Poland. (more…)

USS CARR – Underway Days 55 through 61

USS CARR Families and Friends –

Congratulations to the newly elected leadership for our Family Readiness Group – there was excellent participation from our families in the voting:
President:          Mrs. Melissa Lemons
Vice President: Mrs. April Linton
Treasurer:          Mrs. Britnee Graf
Secretary:          Mrs. Kathi Robinson

This week CARR and her crew were engaged in the following activities:

Day 55 – Sunday, August 7th
Today we awoke to the announcement over the general announcing (more…)

Picture of Uncle Paul to hang in Russian Museum!

USS CARR Families and Friends –

This week CARR and her crew were engaged in the following activities:

Day 48 – Sunday, July 31st (In Port Klaipeda, Lithuania)
As we have done in every port so far, we held a flight deck reception to support the American Embassy and enhance diplomacy with our partners.  This time we supported a reception for the American Ambassador to Lithuania, Anne Derse.  Our mission in the Baltic is Theater Security Cooperation – this means we are here to support building civilian, government, and military relations.  These receptions are a great opportunity to bring all these groups to a single venue.  In addition to the Ambassador and her staff, we hosted the Commander in Chief of the Lithuanian Navy, a member of (more…)

USS CARR Underway Report by CDR Kulakowski – Days 41 thru 47

USS CARR Families and Friends –

This week CARR and her crew were engaged in the following activities:

Day 41 – Sunday, July 24th (In Port Tallinn, Estonia)
Today we all enjoyed another beautiful day in port Tallinn, Estonia – there were no major scheduled events, allowing our off-duty Sailors to relax and enjoy the town.

I would like to thank the Sales and Service Division (S-3) for their (more…)