Ali Goes Home Early

Alborz_MountainsPicture Tehran, Iran in the early 1970s. The Shah was still in power. The students had not yet taken 52 American citizens hostage at their own Embassy. While there was tension between Iranians and foreigners, it had not yet gotten to the point where it was unsafe for them to be there.

My father , David M. Rush, worked for an aerospace company who had sold helicopters to the Shah’s Air Force. He was assigned to set up a repair and maintenance program for those helicopters with the Iranian Air Force. Since it was to be a long assignment, my mother, Juanita Carr Rush, and the 3 boys still at home (Mike, Jeff and Mark) (more…)

The USS CARR remembers The Battle of Leyte Gulf, 67 years ago

USS CARR Families and Friends –

I heard positive feedback regarding last week’s FRG meeting.  We will have the Fleet and Family Support Center meet Carr in Mayport and ride us back to provide tailored training to our Sailors.  After being gone for several months it is not easy to reintegrate back into family life.  The training we will all undergo will address relationships, stress management, responsible use of alcohol, and driving safety.

Day 132 – Sunday, October 23rd (more…)


I want to thank David Rush for all his hard work in setting up and maintaining this website, Mike Rush for coming to visit me and Perry Schultz for fixing my dishwasher last week. Also, Nancy, I see that you have submitted most of the recipes and I will try to do better in the future and help you. (more…)

Castro doesn’t cash his rent check

USS CARR Families and Friends –

Congratulations to the winners of the First Kiss/First Hug Drawing –

First Kiss – IC1 Derek Hotop and his wife Emily
First Hug – OSC Chris Van and his wife Kathy

Also, for those new dads who did not get a chance to get home to see their newborn during deployment, they will be allowed to depart as soon as the brow is across and the first kiss and first hug are done. I hope to see many of you on Tuesday morning! (more…)

USS Carr Underway, 2011, Days 139 through 145

USS CARR Families and Friends –

We are starting to move North in preparation for our return to Norfolk – we are now on the same time zone as Norfolk!  The most dangerous time during deployment are the last few weeks before return to port, as people’s focus strays from the task at hand.  Please email your Sailor and remind him or her to keep focused until we are safely pierside in Norfolk.

I want to make you all aware of Operation Jingle.  The opportunity exists for all Sailors who reside on CARR, local barracks, or in PPV housing to have their families stay for free in a local hotel from (more…)

Things They Buried by James Hornfischer

The Wall Street Journal
MAY 28, 2011

Things They Buried

Bob Hagen knew the worst of battle while serving on destroyers in the Pacific during World War II. He saw action at Guadalcanal. He was the gunnery officer on the USS Johnston when it was hit hard in the Battle Off Samar near the Philippines on October 25, 1944. For two hours he directed the ship’s main guns, firing gamely at an (more…)

Days 125 through 131, 2011 Deployment, USS CARR

USS CARR Families and Friends –

A reminder that on Wednesday, October 26th, 2011 there will be a FRG meeting at the Little Creek Clubhouse, 2156 Wellings Court, Virginia Beach 23455 at 6 pm. This meeting will include information regarding what to expect on homecoming day and a guest speaker to cover the reintegration process within our families.  Please RSVP to with your number of attendees and if you would like childcare.  The FRG will provide childcare at the location.  Tickets for first kiss and first hug will be available for purchase, 1 ticket for $1.00 or 6 tickets for $5.00. The FRG looks forward to seeing you all there. (more…)

Days 118 through 124, 2011 Deployment, the CARR is chasing drugs

USS CARR Families and Friends –

Day 118 – Sunday, October 9th
Today we were supposed to arrive in Cartagena, Columbia; however, due to emergent tasking we are at sea boarding a vessel suspected of carrying drugs.

I can’t add much detail other than to say the vessel had been secured and a thorough search is underway. (more…)