Last Person to Qualify for Quartermaster of the Watch and other Underway News

CARR Families and Friends,

We have finalized our Tiger Cruise guest list and sent out additional information and registration forms to our guests. Once we receive the medical screening forms back, our Corpsman will review them and then we will send confirmation emails letting our guests know whether or not they are medically cleared to join us.

Heads up on mail delivery, mail will need to arrive in Miami by 8 (more…)

Family Day Cruise OK’d

CARR Families and Friends,

This week we received permission to conduct a Tiger Cruise from CTF 20 – we will be limited to approximately 60 family members. Over the next couple of weeks we will finalize the guest list and begin to push out information -required paperwork, travel dates, etc. I want to ensure everyone realizesthat the seas on the east coast are typically very rough during December -especially near Cape Hatteras. (more…)

CARR was born in the waters of the Pacific and gets one last taste.

CARR Families and Friends,

We have entered the back half of deployment; however, we still have lots to do before we get home. In the next few weeks we will be pierside for a few days to support some mid-deployment maintenance – including both preventive and corrective.

I have found out why the approval for the Tiger Cruise has been delayed and should be able to get that process moving again – I expect to get approval in the next couple of weeks.

Day 94 – Sunday, September 2nd (more…)

A couple of links to Articles about Uncle Paul

Paul Henry Carr

This is an article on some website “The American Culture” – this is an article written about Paul Carr and The Battle of Leyte Gulf; the article was written by S. T. Karnick and dated November 7, 2009.

Lest We Forget Paul Henry Carr VMA-322

This is from an article for the November, 2004 issue Proceedings magazine.  The article was titled:  Lest we Forget:Paul Henry Carr, VMA-322.  The VMA-322 I’m not sure about – VMA-322 was a Marine Attack Squadron.

Babies, Texas Hold ‘Em, Calzones and More Panama Canal History

CARR Families and Friends,

As of this week, we are now down to double digit days left until we return from deployment. We are still awaiting final approval for our Tiger Cruise; once we get the final okay, we will push out more information.

Congratulations to our new fathers:

  • ET3 Brent Hinson’s son was born 23 Aug
  • HTC(Sel) Joshua Linton’s son was born 24 Aug

Day 80 – Sunday, August 19th (more…)

The CARR gets pot, cocaine and a little Panama Canal History thrown in

CARR Families and Friends,

This week we were extremely busy, actively executing our C-TOC mission.  As those who follow us on Facebook know, we also got some good press this week for our Sailors (check out our Facebook page to see the articles).  This weekly update will also be the first in a series containing some history about the Panama Canal.

Day 73 – Sunday, August 12th (more…)

A Brief History of Curacao, Liberty and USS CARR is 1/3 of its way through its last deployment

CARR Families and Friends,

Curaçao provided a great opportunity for our crew to get some well deserved rest and relaxation. I am happy to report that our crew performed well during the visit and were great ambassadors for our nation. We are now back at sea to resume our C-TOC mission. We are now completed the first third of deployment.
Day 59 – Sunday, July 29th
Thanks to our Coast Guard Law Enforcement Detachment (LEDET) for hosting this week’s steel beach picnic. (more…)