USS Samuel B. Roberts shipwreck found

This is a huge deal for my family.  As readers of my blog may know this is the ship, USS Samuel B. Roberts (DE-413), that my Uncle Paul died on during WW II.  He was the gunnery captain on aft 5 inch gun that blew up after the ship lost power and they were firing and loading manually.  For his bravery in this action he received the Silver Star and for 30 years there was a missile frigate, the USS Paul Henry Carr (FFG-52) floating around the seas on various naval missions. Quite an honor for my uncle and for our family.

Here are some links to the stories on the finding of the shipwreck:

Explorers find USS Samuel B. Roberts shipwreck

World’s deepest shipwreck, the Sammy B, is discovered by explorers

Explorers found the USS Samuel B. Roberts, which sunk 78 years ago holding off an overwhelming Japanese battle group

BBC article: USS Samuel B Roberts: World’s deepest shipwreck discovered

In 2018 my Uncle Paul was inducted into the Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame.  At the time I wrote a blog article about that experience:

Paul H. Carr inducted into the Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame

I am sure there will be more coming out on this discovery as the story just broke a few days ago.

And so it goes.

Robin sings at the Turkish Community Center

Robin and I spent part of our Christmas Day at an interfaith event at the Turkish Community Center. There was a young man who sang some some songs in Turkish. Anne and Robin then sang some Jewish songs. Some were all in Hebrew and some were a mixture of Hebrew and English.

Before the singing we enjoyed a potluck meal of Turkish food and Jewish food. Although most Jewish food is not of an ethnic, distinct nature. Someone did bring some honey cake.

It was a really nice time.

We should celebrate diversity more.


hint… Robin is on the left.

Hallelujah — Paul Henry Carr Memorial Foundation Debt Free

From Nancy Milam:

Hello Family,

With great joy and gratefulness to God, I am thrilled to notify you that the debt owed Crain Displays and Exhibits for the Paul Carr exhibit has been paid!!  A donation was made the day before the Bridge Dedication in the amount of $7000.00 to pay off our balance. This generous donation was given by Jo and Jack Babbitt, friends of Jane and Jeff Rush.  Jack is a World War II veteran and greatly values the efforts to preserve our history and maintain patriotism.  I have attached the note they sent with their donation.  Now that we are debt free the PHCMF can focus on upkeep of the exhibit, reach out to local school children for tours, and signage in the city of Checotah to promote more awareness of Katy Depot and the Paul Carr Exhibit. if you have additional suggestions for use of future donations please contact Jeff Rush, Sue Warren, Perry Schulz, Luana Tucker, Carol Lohn, or myself.  It is exciting to focus on these goals now that the debt has been paid.

The Paul Carr Bridge dedication was an incredible dream come true.  Our Mamas, The Aunts, and other family members that are no longer with us would be dancing with joy.  To see pictures of the dedication and read the details go to, Thanks to David Stephen and Sarah Lohn!!

Go to face book Paul Henry Carr Memorial Foundation also to read and to view the pictures and other people’s  comments..  Thanks to Jeff.

Praying that all have a Blessed Thanksgiving with loved ones, family and friends.  We are thanking GOD for all HE has done for us this year and HIS continual presence in “good times” and the difficult..

Love you, Nancy

Bridge in Checotah Dedicated to Gunner’s Mate Paul Henry Carr

New road signs were unveiled on November 9, designating the bridge over U.S. Highway 266 on U.S. Highway 69 within the municipal limits of Checotah, Oklahoma as the Gunner’s Mate Paul Henry Carr Memorial Bridge. The signs are located at the North and South ends of the bridge.

A celebration was also held at the Katy Depot Museum and Visitors Center, attended by Oklahoma District 13 State Representative Avery Frix, who co-sponsored HB-2311 authorizing the sign’s placement. Mayor Daniel Tarkington spoke at the celebration and the Checotah Landmark Preservation Society provided refreshments.


News from Nancy 29 October 2019

Dear Family,

The Checotah Historical Society is hosting Paul Carr Bridge Dedication at Katie Depot Saturday November 9 2019 at 11:00 am. Oklahoma Department of Transportation will place the actual sign with Uncle Paul’s name sometime during the week of November 4.This is an exciting and honoring event and we hope as many as possible family members will attend.  Hope to see you Saturday November 9.


Please remember Nan Schutlz as she recovers from knee surgery

Robin Rush had back surgery October 21 and is home recovering.

Prayer for relief of pain and good mobility and for David as he takes care of her

Bobby Frame will have hernia surgery  December 12 in Tulsa

Pray for Diane Frame Burtone as she deals with the many effects of Rheumatoid  Arthritis and it’s treatment

Pray for Sarah Lohn as she recovers from surgery

Pray for Jane Rush’s sister Carol as she recovers from a fall with sustained facial fractures


Hesston James Hiner born 9-24-2019 son of Melody and Cody Hiner  Grandson of Luana and Tommy  Tucker

Aunt Juanita now resides at Evergreen Care Center Owasso, Oklahoma

mail can be sent to Juanita Rush & Harry Dodd

Care of:
Evergreen Care Center
12600 East 73rd Street north
Owasso, Ok  74055-4017

Love to you all.  Hope to see you at the Depot for the dedication.


Oklahoma Bills to Name Bridge in Honor Paul H. Carr

There is movement afoot to name a bridge on Hwy 69 in Checotah in honor of Paul H. Carr.

Interesting enough in the Senate Bill there is listed a Highway Memorial Mile in Eufala in memory of Randy Peterson.  Joan’s family, the Frames, have no knowledge of this from Randy’s wife or his sister, Pam.

Nancy Milam has contacted Checotah’s newspaper about Uncle Paul’s bridge and she will do an article covering our story.

If you are interested in see the the House version and the Senate version of the bills in the Oklahoma Legislature click the two links below.

House Bill 2311

Senate Bill 641

Bridge on Hwy 69 in Checotah to be name after Paul Henry Carr

Dear Family,

I am writing to share some exciting news.  A year ago the PHCMF board contacted Representative Avery Frix District 13 in regard of having a designated bridge or portion of a highway near Checotah named for Uncle Paul.  Jeff has been the contact person and today he received a call confirming the passage of HB 2311.  There will be a Ceremonial Bill Signing on July 29 by Governor Stit.  Below are the copies of the communication sent to Jeff.  Please email or call Jeff if you plan to attend and he will forward that number  to Vicli Adams, Legislative assistant.  What a wonderful tribute to Uncle Paul!  The eight sisters, Joan, and Paulette would be so pleased.




Dear Mr. Rush

The bridge over U.S. Highway 266 on U.S. Highway 69 within the municipal limits of Checotah shall be designated as the “Paul Henry Carr Memorial Bridge”.  The Department of Transportation shall cause suitable permanent markers bearing that name to be placed on the highway.

All of the details surrounding the ceremonial bill signing are below. As soon as you know how many family members will be attending, you may either call me or email me with the number.

It was a pleasure talking with you and I look forward to talking to you soon.

Thank you,

Vicki Adams

Legislative Assistant to

Representative Avery Frix, District 13, 405-557-7302