A Bit of Wisdom from Don Lorsbach

As told to the 22 year old me…mule-150x150

An old farmer had a mule.  The mule worked hard 3 seasons of the year, but in the winter time the mule just lazed around the barn.  Kicker was the mule still had to be cared for and fed.

The farmer devised a plan whereby he would train the mule not eat.

Just about the time he got the mule trained it died.

Don told me that story, and I just looked at him waiting for the punch line.  He was laughing like it was too funny for words.

I have thought of that story over the years.  There is a lot of wisdom in it.

Carr Family Storybook

StoryBooks from the Creative Memories Digital Center

Melissa McClure has shared StoryBooks with you.

This is the Storybook that was created by me and my mom, Nancy (Dodd) Milam from the contributions of the Carr family members for this year’s reunion. The photos and stories are priceless and I hope you enjoy looking through them online as much as I did. If you wish to own a hard copy for yourself and your family, you can order directly from the website posted on this link. The Storybook is a hard cover, 12 x 12 book with stitch bound pages, making it durable for a lifetime and excellent quality. There are hundreds of family photos and personal stories to be enjoyed for generations to come. If you have any questions or trouble accessing the book, please contact me at melissa.mcclure@sbcglobal.net or 918-408-8414. If you would like to order your own (more…)

Steak and Kidney Pie

steak-and-kidney-pieOne of my favorite stories about my mother involves Agatha Christie. When I was in high school she really enjoyed reading these mystery novels by the famed English author. Apparently, a popular dish in England and Agatha Christie’s novels is steak and kidney pie. My mother decided it sounded delicious, and one evening when my father was not going to be home for dinner she decided to make the dish. The fact that she waited until her husband was not going to be there will give the reader a clue as to what is coming next.

She found a recipe, and bought all the ingredients. I’m sure the steak and kidney were not cheap. She prepared the dish and put it before us unsuspecting guinea pigs, oops I mean boys. After a bite or two, none of us would eat anymore, and remember we were teenage boys aka bottomless pits. My mother became very upset, and began to cry. The funny part is after a
bite or two of Agatha’s dish, she decide she did not want anymore either.

We never saw steak and kidney pie again.

Reunion, post Reunion, etc.

That was controlled chaos, wasn’t it?!

Carr Sister #8, Juanita Rush, who stayed in the lodge itself (not the Bunkhouse), said the clerk told her during her check-out that the Carr Family Reunion was the best organized reunion they had seen this  year.  To give you some perspective, the Muskogee Phoenix had a lead article on Sequoyah  State Park , Sunday, August 1, 2010, (more…)

A Big Hearty Thank You

Here is a big hearty thank you to those folks that worked so hard to make the Carr Reunion such a big success.

The danger in singling out folks is that you will leave someone out. If I do so it is not intentional. Please allow me to apologize in advance.

The primary culprits behind this successful event were:
Jane Rush
Nancy Milam
Paulette Lorsbach
Luanna Tucker
Mike Rush
Perry Schulze
Jeff Rush

Everyone should join in and give them many thanks. Not only did they spend much time and effort on this, but they spend a good portion of their personal treasure to make this happen.
Here, Here…Hip Hip Hooray.


My mother, Juanita Carr Rush, told me a story once about being back home in Checotah, Oklahoma. It was one of the Carr-Fests wherein the Carr Sisters would take advantage of the opportunity of Juanita bringing her boys to have a family reunion. Juanita would have still been in her twenties, with at least one, possibly two, three, or four children

After the kids have gone down for the night (more…)


Recently because some other folks were inviting me I got on Facebook.

I have certain reservations about it:

  1. It is run by a korporation for profit, and as such I am always suspect as to what they will do with my information. In this world of spam and korporate greed I worry about that. (more…)