Tribute to Lucille Carr Seifert

Things my mother, Lucille, taught my sisters and me
By Carolyn Seifert Lohn

  1. Do a little dance. Lucille taught us girls a love of big band and carr_evelyn_lucille_lwestern swing, especially Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys. She and the aunts kicked up their heels in the dance halls quite a bit back in the day.
  2. Have a sense of humor. Lucille is always cracking jokes and telling stories, and we’re always listening. Just a tip though, don’t pull her finger.
  3. Be self-reliant. Hard work never killed anybody, and everybody is supposed to work. And she did, every day. (more…)

Discount on Carr Family Heritage Storybook


Can you post an announcement with a link to my website that during the month of January, all Storybooks are 20% off? They can contact me if they want to order the Carr Family Heritage Storybook by sending me an E-mail.  Thanks so much!!!

Melissa McClure, Creative Memories Consultant


CM ID # 21070457

Helping you CelebrateYour Memories through Custom Framing, Digital Storybooks, and Traditional Albums

Gifts Remembered

There are several gifts that I clearly remember receiving from my Grandma Rush (Sister Juanita). That’s pretty good after 25 or 30 years and lots of getting and giving.

One was my very first grown up hat. It is (I still have it) a burgundy felt hat with a wide brim and it was part of my 13th (I think) birthday present along with a pair of black slacks and an ivory Gunne Sax blouse with lots of pearl buttons down the front. I’d have the blouse too because it was a classic but that was 50 pounds ago. I still remember how very grown-up and classy I felt in that outfit. The items were purchased on a shopping trip to the now-defunct, but then top-of-the-line, Boston Store.

While I don’t always agree with her particular line of thought on Christianity, another gift that she gave me (and still does) was to be a strong example of faith. I no longer have the book (I wish I did) that was full of one page stories for children to help them do daily readings long before Chicken Soup for the Soul came along. I do have a little box of Bible verses that she gave me. About the size of an index card, the box contains small cards that have Bible verses on one side and something to promote thought on the other. When I was growing up we periodically used it at dinner time. Now it sits in my bathroom where I will hopefully notice it every day and take a moment to explore some of the wisdom within.

As I was wondering this morning about ways to engage my 13 year-old daughter Bryanna in expanding her thinking, that box came to mind.

Keely West

Pepé Le Pew

Most of my adult life I have engaged in some sort of regular physical activity.  The motivation derives from an effort to keep my weight somewhat in check and maintain a level of health.  Plus I just plain feel better when I am exercising.  This activity has taken various forms over the years, jogging, extended walks, bicycling, or lap swimming.

When my children were younger, (more…)

Mama Carr

minniemaecarrMinnie Mae Austin was born May 2, 1891 in Newton County, Arkansas, the ninth child of John F. Austin and Nancy Ann Trobaugh Austin. She married Thomas Henry Carr on March 31, 1909 and together they had 11 children. They moved to Oklahoma in a covered wagon with Katie, Treseye, and Irene and settled near Sallisaw, Ok. and later to Warner, Ok. (more…)