USS CARR has new Blue Noses, Uncle Paul was a Shellback

USS CARR Families and Friends –

First off, I hope that all our families and friends have weathered Hurricane Irene without significant damage or injury.  Our Sailors have been calling and emailing their families to verify they are doing well.  For any family members who need assistance, our OMBUDSMAN is the first place to start.

This week CARR and her crew were engaged in the following:

Day 69 – Sunday, August 21st (more…)

Update on Aunt Lucille Seifert 4-07-11

Mother is back at Holmgreen  Health  Center.  She has not been eating very well and has become somewhat weak.  She eats more if one of us are with her when she is served her meal.  I’ll be taking buttermilk to her tomorrow, and Elaine is taking Cashew Nuts to supplement what she is served.  She will continue to get the I.V. antibiotics the rest of this week, and then will get two more weeks of oral antibiotics. (more…)

The Feather Bed

I haven’t added a whole lot besides names and dates that I’ve come up with along the way and a lot of pics that I found in my grandmother’s old shed.  So here’s on that I heard about a lot when I was younger and more when I started hunting genealogy more extensively.

A little background first.   My mother, Nancy Kathleen Kelly, is the (more…)

Genealogy Update on Nancy Ann Trobaugh Austin

Nancy Ann Trobaugh Austin was Mama Carr’s mother and my great grandmother.  Because I share her name ,Nancy, I have developed a keen interest in her personality and heritage.  Regrettably, this interest has developed after my Mama, Peggy Carr Dodd developed dementia and can not answer my many question.

Much to my surprise, our doorbell rang Sunday, the day after Christmas, and there stood two strangers who introduced (more…)