Lily McClure has arrived*

Lily was born April 22 at 2:00Am. weighing 8 lbs. 2 oz at St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa. Both baby and Melissa are doing well. Great-grandparents Harry and Peggy Dodd and Grandparent Steve and Nancy Milam are over-flowing with joy and know that each baby is miracle from Our LORD!!


Lisa Boswell Lakotish and Donald Lakotish announce the engagement of Amber Dawn to Matthew Ward son of Tom and Debbie Ward.

The wedding will take place in Mesa, AZ July 19, 2008. Amber is the granddaughter of Jonell Wilson Cline and great granddaughter of Edith Carr Wilson

Mel Mattey Email

It’s going to be a girl

YEA we had our ultrasound today and we found out that little baby is a Girl. We are so happy and excited. Due date is still February 28.
Ethan was sad, he said he wanted a boy 🙂 that was cute. He will be ok I think when she is born 🙂

We are going to name her  Addison Hope Mattey. The ‘hope” is for my granny who is being so very brave and fighting cancer, a battle that she will definitely win 🙂 We love you all and can’t wait to see you in the USA in a few weeks.
take care!!!!

Mel xoxo

USS Carr Family Day cruises

Invitation for more cruises on the USS Carr.

CARR Family,

I hope this email finds you all well.  Time is flying by and I can’t believe Thanksgiving is next week already.  We’re finally out of the shipyard and we’re busy trying to get ready for our Engineering Certification the week of 27 Nov.  The crew is tired, but spirits remain high….I’m not sure how they do it, but I’m blessed to have a crew like this!

The first two weeks of December, CARR will be operating off the (more…)