Help Support The Carr Exhibit with Amazon Smile

You can help support The Carr exhibit by doing what you do anyway…buying on .  “How?”, you ask,  By following some extraordinary simple steps.

  1.  Login to and go to “Your Account”
  2. Set charity to: “Paul Henry Carr Memorial Foundation”
  3. To support charity, always shop at
  4. Shop until you drop…

Cheryl Smallwood-Roberts designed the exhibit honoring Paul Henry Carr in Checotah, OK. The Carr exhibit, installed by Crain Displays, is located inside the restored 1890-era Katy Depot Museum, the MKT’s oldest surviving wooden train station, just off Highway 69 at 1000 Paul Carr Drive.

To download a PDF of the brochure click here:  PHC Brochure 1

How Do I Add a Post

Writing Posts

Posts are the entries that display in reverse chronological order on your home page. In contrast to pages, posts usually have comments fields beneath them and are included in your site’s RSS feed.

To write a post:

Log in to your WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard).
Click the ‘Posts’ tab.
Click the ‘Add New’ sub-tab.
Start filling in the blanks: enter your post title in the upper field, and enter your post body content in the main post editing box below it.
As needed, select a category, add tags, and make other selections from the sections below the post. (Each of these sections is explained below.) (more…)

A couple of links to Articles about Uncle Paul

Paul Henry Carr

This is an article on some website “The American Culture” – this is an article written about Paul Carr and The Battle of Leyte Gulf; the article was written by S. T. Karnick and dated November 7, 2009.

Lest We Forget Paul Henry Carr VMA-322

This is from an article for the November, 2004 issue Proceedings magazine.  The article was titled:  Lest we Forget:Paul Henry Carr, VMA-322.  The VMA-322 I’m not sure about – VMA-322 was a Marine Attack Squadron.

Tommy’s Daughter Meets Him

Administrator’s note — In pulling this over from the old site I lost who wrote this.  I believe it was either Angela or Buffy.  Perhaps someone can set me straight.

I was luckchapmans_ly to be blessed with two of the most amazing women in the world as Grandmothers! Unfortunately, in November 2004, I lost the first one and that was one the most devastating blows I thought I would ever suffer. That was until March 2008 when I lost the other one. Nancy Irene Schulze was one of the most amazing women I had (more…)

Reunion, post Reunion, etc.

That was controlled chaos, wasn’t it?!

Carr Sister #8, Juanita Rush, who stayed in the lodge itself (not the Bunkhouse), said the clerk told her during her check-out that the Carr Family Reunion was the best organized reunion they had seen this  year.  To give you some perspective, the Muskogee Phoenix had a lead article on Sequoyah  State Park , Sunday, August 1, 2010, (more…)


Recently because some other folks were inviting me I got on Facebook.

I have certain reservations about it:

  1. It is run by a korporation for profit, and as such I am always suspect as to what they will do with my information. In this world of spam and korporate greed I worry about that. (more…)

Email exchange between Jeff Rush and Commander of USS CARR

Right on schedule! It is always sad to see a CO move on, but it is good to see someone else have an opportunity to command the finest ship in the USN! As much as we would want to be there, Jane and I won’t be able to attend this change of command ceremony. I will be just returning home from a two week trip to Uganda on March 5th and as much as I would like to attend, I think it best I stay home (this time). J However, if you will send the invitation to me anyway, I can scan it and send it via email to my brother David who maintains a family website ( We can post the invitation there and ask that anyone who plans to go notify you directly.