Author: James Michael Rush
CARR gets down to business – Days 10 through 16, Sunset Tour 2012
CARR Families and Friends,
First off, Happy Father’s Day to all the father’s on board CARR. One of the hardest parts of our job is the time away from our wives and children. In addition, happy Father’s Day to all the fathers of CARR’s Sailors!! Most of us owe a ton to you all!
Great week for CARR as we entered our operating area: we conducted two refuelings at sea, disrupted a narcotics movement, and successfully conducted a boarding. (more…)
Week 2 of CARR’s “Sunset Cruise 2012” – hugging the coast
CARR Families and Friends,
Family Readiness Group Note: All CARR friends and families are invited to a meet and greet potluck dinner on Thursday, June 14th 5-7pm at Mt. Trashmore Kids Cove in Virginia Beach. Request all attending bring a dish, dessert, or drinks to share. Please RSVP to or on facebook OR on facebook: ( and include what item you will be bringing. If you are not sure what to bring, please contact the FRG and we will provide suggestions.
Day 3 – Sunday, June 3rd (more…)
USS CARR’s First Week of its Last Deployment
CARR Families and Friends,
My first weekly update is a short one as we commence our transit to the Caribbean Sea for deployment. Our focus over the next six months will be executing our Countering Transnational Organized Crime mission and enforcing our seven guiding principles of watchstanding: Integrity, Level-of-Knowledge, Procedural Compliance, Formality, Questioning Attitude, Forceful Backup, and Risk Management. (more…)
CARR Families and Friends,
COMPTUEX has wrapped up and we returned to Norfolk today. CARR did an excellent job at sea – including VBSS, USW, live fires, to Chaff firing events!!
This week’s significant events included:
Day 17 – Sunday, May 6th
Today’s focus was undersea warfare yet again. The goal today was to (more…)
What is a COMPTUEX?
In reading the Captains Underway report from last Sunday, April 29, 2012, I wondered what the heck is a COMPTUEX? So for my edification and passing that on to you, I looked it up in Wikipedia:
Composite Unit Training Exercise
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
COMPTUEX, or Composite Training Unit Exercise, is a rehearsal (more…)
Guns, Training and COMPTUEX Continues, Week 2
CARR Families and Friends,
As I mentioned last week, it is important for everyone to be familiar with the Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS). NFAAS standardizes a method for the Navy to account, assess, manage, and monitor the recovery process for personnel and their families affected and/or scattered by a wide-spread catastrophic event. NFAAS provides valuable information to all levels of the Navy chain of command, allowing commanders to make strategic decisions which facilitate a return to stability. The site can be accessed at I encourage all of our family members to register in the event of a natural disaster. (more…)
USS CARR, Like Willie Nelson, On the (Watery) Road, Again
CARR Families and Friends,
This week we are back at sea taking part in COMPTUEX. This exercise is designed to test all of Carr’s mission areas and ensure we are deployable to anywhere world-wide. We last completed COMPTUEX back in JAN/FEB 2011 prior to our last deployment. (more…)
The USS CARR remembers The Battle of Leyte Gulf, 67 years ago
USS CARR Families and Friends –
I heard positive feedback regarding last week’s FRG meeting. We will have the Fleet and Family Support Center meet Carr in Mayport and ride us back to provide tailored training to our Sailors. After being gone for several months it is not easy to reintegrate back into family life. The training we will all undergo will address relationships, stress management, responsible use of alcohol, and driving safety.
Day 132 – Sunday, October 23rd (more…)
Castro doesn’t cash his rent check
USS CARR Families and Friends –
Congratulations to the winners of the First Kiss/First Hug Drawing –
First Kiss – IC1 Derek Hotop and his wife Emily
First Hug – OSC Chris Van and his wife Kathy
Also, for those new dads who did not get a chance to get home to see their newborn during deployment, they will be allowed to depart as soon as the brow is across and the first kiss and first hug are done. I hope to see many of you on Tuesday morning! (more…)